Saturday, April 19, 2008

Oh My Gawd...

If not for a couple of logically challenged reasons, i would have completed atleast the quarter century of the number of posts on my blog. But some superstitions glued me back.. I dont know if the glue used was fevicol,but it took me really really hard to cross the laxmanrekha and type this blog. Now not getting into the technicalities of the un-explainable superstitions, i will start doing what i enjoy doing.. venting 1100 pound compressed overstuffed thoughts in my mind out on to the blog..

The other day, i was sitting in coffee day sipping hot coffee with a book called "undercover economist"(although understanding that subject for me is like explaining thermodynamics to a clever mouse, its a good read).. It was quite cold as it was raining outside.. Cafe was filled with beautiful couples sitting on cosy couches.. There was one such Bunty and Babli who entered the cafe, fully drenched and sat just behind me... Just when i was desperately trying to remember when was the last time i went to such a cafe with a girl, what babli said pulled me away from the undercover economist and made me think.. food for thought you know.. She said.. "Oh god.. Why did you do this.. We shud have been in the theater by now"

Now.. don't you think god has 1001 other problems as well to care for.. I thought improving indo-pak relations was more important... I mean.. Isnt "Being God" a difficult concept?... I am amazed at how he creates different people , create people dependent on them, affected by them and in turn create more people depending on the dependents... uff .. How does he maintain the family tree of the world ??? A small change in one life affects so many others..

I wanna meet god desperately.. not for high level fundas like Moksha and all but to clear some basic doubts. I would like to ask him which Database Software does he use to maintain all this huge data, the mappings and who gives him emergency support? Think of a hard disk crash on his server.. We are instantly going to lose our identities, relationships and everything gets reset!!! Don't even think of it..

I just cant imagine myself hearing all those wishes that we mortals pray to him and making choice of which wish to grant.. Moreover, wish by one person may be just contradictory to the wish of other person.. or.. two persons might wish for the same girl !!! In both cases, we cant grant the wishes of both persons.. Imagine a screwup at this point.. Two guys granted the same girl !!! Noooooooooo.... One more problem is answering the same question again and again to different people.. the Question "GOD!!! Why did you do this to me???" How would it feel like saying "I had to do it my child!" 2876954 times a day???

Gawd!!! How do you do it??? So thin chance of mistake.. and if you do, you screwup the life of your kids.. He must be having ISO 9002 certification(or 6 sigma maybe) for what he does..
I wish i could talk to god, i would have asked him to gimme a tourist pass of his workplace for a week.. and of course.. grant some of my wishes :) GOD thou art great!!! All this might sound stupid but.. doubts are doubts and are meant to be cleared isn't it?