Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The sweet buzz around my ear woke me up.. I woke with sleepy eyes to see the orange sun peeping out of a bunch of trees. The time is five thirty in the Morning and the sun behind the far off trees is a spectacle to watch. In case your brain is manufacturing words like "How Wonderful" and "Spectacular", give it a second thought. I would like to make a revelation here..

I am NOT enjoying this at all.. If you are wondering why, The sweet buzz was not "sweet" but it was an irritating Buzz by a mosquito who might have become a hero in its world by fighting all my efforts to kick its micro butt and managing to creep into my room and suck a gallon of blood out of my ear.Dunno what love these mosquitoes have with ears. That too in the mornings when my dream is in its climax.. 90% of the times, this mosquito turns out to be the villain in my story stopping the hero to watch the climax of his dream. I love early mornings.. Last few months I have even been successful in waking up early daily and go jogging. But if you sleep at 3 AM and a blood sucking buzzing freak wakes you up at 5:30 , no orange suns and beautiful mornings can give you pleasure.. Dont you think so?? I'm sure you do..

Joy is a relative concept. The example that i gave you is just one such incident which proves this. joy.. happiness.. when do we get it? can we generalise it? 'Yes' to some extent.. and 'No' to much more.. You love rock music.. You've been a die hard fan.. now imagine.. you are slogging @ office for last 3 days and slept for just 4 hours in last 72 hours. You are done now and trying to sleep.. and you hear an loud unstoppable rock.. each sound spike you hear will be like a 5 inch nail piereced right through your cerebrum. Now tell me.. do you like rock??? there you go..

The world is weird.. and the weirdest things in the world are humans.. i am not sure if homo sapiens know what they want.. once upon a time, we lived with the nature.. wearing the air.. eating what nature gives.. living in jungles.. and then.. somebody ate mintos.. started building houses, cutting trees, polluted air, invented money(which is essentially the cause of most of the problems today) and most importantly(rather unnessarily) invented laziness.. what an !dea.. and now.. to search happiness and solitude people camp in jungles.. some groups boast of organising tree planting programs.. and weight loss and fitness programs are always a hit now a days.. and on top of it , we pay for all this.. I know.. you would say its all development and its consequences.. but are we going anywhere with this? is this of any use? doesnt man need a simple meal to survive? why did i need to slog 72 hours @ office, lose my sleep, get irritated by music and write this blog?

I know its not simple.. but if you think, its also not that complicated too.. all working for a common cause of simple survival .. grow food and eat it.. did you just visualise a prehistoric indian tribe?? I just did.. and i am sure they are lot happier than we are.. whatdya say?